Well, here it is. My first blog post. There are so many things to say I hardly know where to begin.
First, a bit about the blog. It is not, repeat not "G" rated. At times I swear but the blog is also not about erotica nor sex, per se, nor to glorify violence or bloodshed. It's simply not rated "G" because of the language I will use periodically and due to the fact that I allow my spirituality to be important in this blog.
My spirituality is probably not yours. I want to emphasize that though we may believe different things about the Divine, I respect all faiths as long as they can respect mine. Trolling and bashing will just get booted without being read.
So who is Selene? And why does Selene blog, what does she think she has to say that will affect or help anyone?
Fair questions, all of them.
I am Selene. I am a young crone at 54 who has dreamt of writing fiction for the purpose of making a living for as long as I can remember. Like most people, life got in the way of my dreams. I got diverted by a "real" job as a Registered Nurse, then by raising my son and trying to maintain my marriages--both of them. Ultimately, I failed at the marriage thing and as for me, I think marriage is kind of like baseball. If you strike out twice, going back up to bat is just an exercise in futility. So, I am happily UNmarried, possess sole control of my TV remote control, do not wash anyone else's dirty undies, don't tidy up after anyone and I squeeze the toothpaste tube any way I damn well please.
I live in my own little valley (yes, I own it free and clear) in a very rural part of--get this--Alabama.
The closest town is 20 miles away and they can "Roll Tide" all they want because I can't hear 'em. I live in a little farm house with my grown son who is my rock, my caretaker, the voice of wisdom when I need one (which is more frequently than a woman my age would like to admit) and who confronts me with hard truths when he has to. I am more proud of him than I can say.
As the blog evolves, my sincere hope and indeed the reason I made the decision to make the blog public at all was in the hope that it would help someone. Even if only one person realizes their uniqueness, their uncommoness, and the beauty that it brings to the world, that'll be enough for me.
I plan to add photos, links to other sources that support my notions of uncommon life, and "stuff" other than just words.
This blog is not really a narrative of my life so much as it is a narrative about life in general, about your life, why it's uncommon and why you should treasure it. It's about the uncommon things I see and experience all around me. Occasionally, I'll slip and the blog will be about my experiences, all of which I believe are uncommon.
Here's the bottom line: I live an uncommon life because I believe it to be so. Everyone on this planet is living an uncommon life because it is theirs. No one can have the exact experience even when they experience the same thing, in the same way, for the same length of time and in the same place. It's up to us all to recognize and celebrate our uncommoness and thus find meaning in the everyday.
Hope you like what you read. I'm excited to get feedback. And now, on to An Uncommon Life........
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